Torgils dåd, Nevakampanjen, järnkedjan och Viborgs fästning.

Ur Tredje korståget
– 1293 –

Torgils Knutsson i Österland”
Wadbring 2008

Bild via

Järnkedjan i Landskrona

Ryska krönikor förtäljer ”möjligen med någon öfverdrift, att marsken med byggmästare ej blott från sitt hemland utan äfven med en berömd mästare från Rom uppfört ett fäste af så oerhörd styrka, att Svenskarne i sitt öfvermod kallat det landets krona”.
Det svenska namnet var nämligen Landskrona, beläget exakt där S:t Petersburg ligger idag – se karta över Finland.

Ute på Hvita träsk passerade dagarna revy. Men plötsligt en dag fick de se hur hela floden fylldes av lodjor (roddarfartyg), ”mer än tusende”. Det var den novgorodska hären som kom för att försöka stoppa byggandet av fästet. Härvid hade de buntat ihop stora flottar, höga som hus, vilka antändes och sedan med strömmen drev ner mot de svenskes båtar.

Bud sändes till Torgils i Landskrona som omedelbart gav order om att dra järnkedjor över strömmen och fästa dem med pålar (precis som man gjort vid Jarlehus, inte så långt från Torgils eget Aranäs i norra Västergötland).
Manövern lyckades – den brinnande timmerflottan stannade mot järnkedjan och brann upp utan att åstadkomma någon som helst skada.

När novgoroderna märkte att denna deras beräkning slog slint gick de de iland, och ”Svenskarne sågo, huru deras harnesk glänste och deras hjelmar och svärd glimmade mot solen. En rysk tolk uppgaf deras antal till trettiotusen man, och när man sedan fick se den ryska hären samlad, syntes denna uppgift vara sannolik”. Stormningen lät inte vänta på sig – men Torgils och hans mannar var väl förberedda.

Mats Kettilmundsson

Runtom borgen hade man uppfört en stor vall på vars topp tronade åtta torn, alla försedda med skottgluggar. Framför vallen fanns en djup grav bakom vilka åarna genom sitt flöde ytterligare förstärkte befästningarna.
Vid den södra delen av graven höll ”Helsingarne” till, och det var här som novgoroderna riktade det häftigaste anfallet.

Med full kraft anföll man, och enligt Rimkrönikan blev det en hårdnackad strid där man slog och högg, stack och sköt, men hur novgoroderna än försökte så ersattes de fallna alltid av nytt, friskt manskap.

Då var det en ung man med ett ”hurtigt sinne, Mats Kettilmundsson, som samlade Uppländingarne omkring sig för att göra ett utfall mot Ryssarna”.
Med Mats Kettilmundsson följde även två utlänningar som kommit till Sverige under Magnus Ladulås regerande, Johan och Henrik von Kyrnén, och även den unge Peder Porse anslöt sig.

När alla var redo ryckte de ut ur fästet, gick över graven och anföll de stormande novgoroderna. Dessa blev härvid ”alldeles förskräckta”, då de inte var förberedda för ett motanfall. ”De höggo sig igenom det hedna packet så att många Ryssar fingo rödan svett”. Novgoroderna retirerade därför snabbt.


Geographisch afrijtningh uppå Kürck – Jocki pogost i Kexholms Norre lähn, anno 1646.

Geographisch afrijtningh uppå Kürck – Jocki pogost i Kexholms Norre lähn, anno 1646. [Av Erik And. Utter (?). Jfr. Hiitola. Papper, uppf. på väv, ritad, 58,5 x 89.] /Reversal 1850, nr 7/ 89 – C. [?]. 4.

Lantmäteristyrelsen, Lantmäteristyrelsens leverans 1850, SE/RA/420571/02/1/0109:00001 (1646), bildid: R0002172_00001

WHO PUSHED THE SÁMI ANCESTORS AWAY? – Expulsion, Exodus, Ethnic Cleansing in The Sweden-Finland Kingdom. (1:2) Focus: The East Half of the Kingdom.

Next Time: Old and recent oppression and confusion in Norway and Sweden. Modern warfare and empty laplands. And on Stalin’s terror, and Russian conditions. Also more on Felleslappeloven and international treaties.

Historic Guilt? Who, where, why, how?
On Early Suomi-Sámi History, remarks and notes
which could be of help for every Truth and Reconciliation commission.
– part 1 of 2 –

EDITED Nov 24: One passage on Savo, that would be ”Häme” in a document from 1454; and a crucial (earlier left out) part on Great Nordic War 1714-21.
EDITED Nov 27. Interpretation of Kolske as Arkhangelsk. / PE 

Forced migrations
1595 the Teusina Peace Treaty (read it here:

Sammaledes skole och the Swenske befalningzmänn vthi ingen motte hindre store herrens, zaar och storfurstes, Feodor Iwanowitz, öffwer alt Rysslandh zamoderzetz, zaarske höghetz befalningzmän till at optage skatten vthaf the Lapper, som lyde vnder det Duinske, Kexholmske landh och Kols slott.” and this

Theslikest skole och icke heller den store herrens, zaar (English Czar, current Swedish: Tsar) och storfurste, Feodor Iwanowitz, öffwer alt Ryssland zamoderzetz, zaarske högheetz befalningzmän heller andre hans vndersåter vthi någen motte förhindre wår stormechtigste konungz befalningzmän till att opbäre skatten vthaf Laperne ifrå Österbothnen alt in till Warånger, hwilke tilförende och vthaf ålder vnder Swerigis riike lydt haffwe och deres skatt Swerigis konungh gifwit

Passage 1 speaks about by Russia recently won territories, within which Russia hereby is declared to own the privilege of collecting taxes from: that is the estates (or counties) of Kol, Duinske and Kexholm. A common interpreation of the places mentioned is: Kexholm: Fi. Käkisalmi, Ru. Приозерск, Kar. Karjala in Ladoga, Duinske: area around Lake Onega and Kol: this is Novocholmogory, namely the fortress initiated (or at least thought to be the first construction start year) 12 years before the Teusina Peace, in 1583… More known to us as Arkhangelsk,
Passage 2 states the old Swedish-Finnish fiscal area, namely Ostrobothnia; which here seems to be understood as the whole of the Northern half of the country. We need to recall that the full extension of the Nordic countries (here: including Russia) not was entirely known by 1595).
What did happen, from what we could conclude, is that 
some of the South-Easternmost Sámi groups, around Lieksa in Kainuu territory were forced to more over to the Russian side, as an effect of Teusina Treaty. This might also have struck the Southern Kainuu, Eastern Ostrobothnian Sámis and most of the remaining Savo as well as Karjala/Karelian Sámi groups. According to tax lengths we do find Sámis as south as Nyslott or Savonlinna as late as back in the 1540s. We also hear about Savo proper Saámis in 1454; and there are areas where these groups seem to have claimed land farther beyound centuries where we usually consider to be in Sámi eras. A problem is the Finnish usage of the term lapp (at least in present- and modern-day history contexts), which might be mildly put confusing for a Swedish Historian.

GUILTY PARTIES: Sweden, Russia (Novgorod) and to some extent Finland.

Great Nordic War – terrible times
Apart from that, 1714-21 as well as for example; the furious Russian attacks on – in a first and worst wave – on what is Finland of today, mad massacres, plundering, foray and in a second wave – burning along practically the Bothnian coastline including also Sweden proper. Indeed it was a frightening, horrendous era;: it drove thousands of Finns from their homes, to be domestic migrants. Here we need to investigate thoroughly how many Sámis that also did migrate.

GUILTY PARTY: Russia.  (Edited/added Nov 24, 2019)

The consequences of the 1323 Peace Treaty of Pähkinälinna, Schlüsselborg or Nöteborg are less known (Шлиссельбург; Sjlisselburg, Schlüsselburg, (Fi.) Pähkinälinna or Lyyssinä); not ought to have led to, eventually or directly migrations; but in deed seen over decades it did.

Earlier in late Nordic Medieval era, Russian ravages seems to have been driven the Sámi groups away from the older habitat: among this one ought to mention the 1200s, coloured by ”Karelian” attacks and ravages in the three Lapplands except Russian Lappland; the late 1400s when the area around present-day’s Oulu became target for numerous attacks and ravages by the PomoresRussians and/or Karelians (probably strengthened by other Fenno-Ugric or Balto-Finnic. Attacking forces during these medieval days most often referred to as Karelians, less often as Biarmians and sometimes, in the traditions seemingly positioned as the Čuds (tjuder in Swedish, Čuovrit in North Saami) – perhaps a scientifically correct ethnonym might be Proto-Karelians?). A striking fact is that the tradition around this hostile people or hords are clearly stronger in Northern Sápmi and almost unheard of in Southern Sápmi.

During the 1200s another attacking force must be included into the equation, namely the Swedish Kingdom! Magnus Birgersson ladulås is, according to several sources, said to have placed an attack towards the Sámi people areas, coordinated and followed by a pacification by the local nobleman Matti Kurkki (medieval form, today Kurki), in Swedish sources called Matthias Kurck. He seems to have been of Savo or Häme origin, most likely a mixture. The Swedish attack seems to have been taking place in the second half of the 1270s; and might be the point from which you can place the intiating era of Swedish-Finnish Colonialism. One cannot really sort out that this tradition – given it actually did take place – to a great extent did aim at Biarmians or the Čuds/(proto-)Karelians. Behind these hostile meaures stood Novgorod (AD 1136-1478), an early great power with a huge appetite for Arctic, Nordic and Siberian indigenous lands: the Uralic speaking knights only executed the dirty work. An interesting observation is that we can also to a vast extent spot traces of which will later become the birkarla (taxation and trading) system; they seem, indeed to have drawn a model from the very early tax faring journeys by the Čuds. This system also tending to be even older than Novgorod itself:
Thus this system kept on going for a period of 650 years or ca. 900-1550. One could even claim the Royal taxation system with its similar roots (many laplands even did get run by Sheriffs who actually were birkarla-men) kept on going for even another 250 years!
Anyhow it looks like what we today refer to as Finnish Sámis in the Northernmost parts, as well as the once within Kemi Lapland and those under Ostrobothnian flag (AD circa 1360-1441 under County Korsholm or Mustasaari) that they eventually enjoyed a period of relative calm and maybe a chance to gather silver via commercial or trade activities like their relatives in the Western areas. Since the raids or ravage attacks most often also aimed at Finnmark, that may be a historical fact we even could state, since they are less heard of in the lion’s share of the 1300s (nevertheless: in the years of 1377 a new attack at what is likely to be interpreted as Oulu – Owla – is performed from Novgorod). And this is also the period when Sámis are, totally, as a collective, guilty of tributing taxes to the King of Sweden-Finland, or the growing great power of Swedish Kingdom; which actually already under Swedish flag from 1561, which actually made the utmost lion’s share of Baltic and Bothnic Sea to a Swedish inland Sea, eventually for some shorter epoque encompassing the whole of the Sea. Nevertheless; there were mostly an uneasy atmosphere in the erämaa east of Kajana castle.

Eric of Pomerania visited Finland (”Eastern part of the Kingdom”) several times and stated anno 1411 that the erämaa belonged to ”the kingdom”, also as distant areas as 200-250 km away from cultivated fields. Only a few years after this, the mass baptism actins in huge water pools took place. At the same time, Novgorod intiated monasteries in Southern- and Easternmost Karelia as well as up in the White Sea.

Finally in this little exposé we should have a look at Russian attacks and ravages in Southern Finland in the 1400s and 1500s. Simultanously, after the Russian annexation of Novgorod in the 1470s new severe attacks did take place in North-East Ostrobothnia. These were the predecessing events which later led to the Teusina Peace Treaty. Many farms and houses were burnt down, and abandoned during these periods. And the reason this is important is that we need to find the main reasons why the Sámi people gradually left Uusimaa and Central parts of Finland, the core area for proto-Sámis or Late Proto Sámis, among Language historians called Lakeland Sámi speakers (Cf. Aikio 2012, Korpela 2014, Heikkilä 2014): those, at this point, seems to be (a) Swedish crusades, (b) Finnish-Swedish settlement movements and early expulsions as well as (c) Novgorod’s attacks and counter attacks aimed at the Swedes, of which 1292 AD Attack at Häme might be the most well-known one (amomng many), and (d) in this Sámi movement’s utmost final stages, Russian ravaging raids along the Uusimaa coast in the 1400s and 1500s. For further reading on Novgorod, see Halperin 1999 (”Novgorodians and the ”Novgorodian Land”. In: Cahiers du monde russe 40/3 [1999] Varia)

GUILTY PARTIES: Sweden, Russia (Novgorod) – to a less extent Finland.

Czar Fiodor I ruled by the time of Teusina Peace Treaty
he lived 1557-1598, reigned from 1584. He was the last
czar of the Ruruk dynasty. Anonymus, 1630s.
Classic Colonialism, with driving the indigenous Sámi people away with an expanding settlement movement and cultivation of the ground/thorough modulation of the erämaa, ground for hunting-foraging-fishing that is; as well as the landscape and grazing areas for reindeer pastoralism.
Iron age and 1300s-1700s: well-documented movements i Savo, Häme, Karelia, Kainuu, Ostrobothnia, Kemi or Chimeå Lapland (lappmark in Swedish). Same phenomenon is also registrered by Archaeologist about Southern and Central Karelia already back in the late Iron age or ”prime time” viking age. Some might be the cause along the crusade era in the 11-1200s.

GUILTY PARTIES: Finland, Karelia, Russia, Sweden (I would say – in that order).

Refugee movements, domestical migrative or immigrative: Can be technically – or seemingly – done by free will; but almost without exceptions the trigger factors as well as the basic reasons for commit a refugee or domestic migratory act were to be found in the field of tensions in-between the Great Novgorod, later Russia on one side, and Swedish Kingdom on the other.

Isoviha ja Nuijasota
Among numerous known and indicated such refuge-initiating events we must mention primarily the Huge War, (Sw.) Stora Ofreden (Fi. Isoviha) 1714-21; influencing mainland Finland as well as most coasts and (the older) Civil War Nuijasota (Sw. Klubbekriget) in the 1590s; of which the first encompassed enormous burnings and huge, nightmare-creating (only by reading about them) massacres and the second also did feauture a truly horrifying face, which led thousands of Savo people to flee, migrate over to Sweden and start a new life. This did also occur among the Sámi people, only that these groups are less investigated and researched about; if researched at all?

Appropriate amounts of scholarly resources, personally and economically ought to be funded for such research; and this must indeed take place within the framework of a Truth and Reconciliation commission.

Peter Ericson Nov 19, 2019

WHO PUSHED THE SÁMI ANCESTORS AWAY? – Expulsions, Exoduses, Ethnic Cleansings in The Sweden-Finland Kingdom (1:2)

Next Time: Old and recent oppression and confusion in Norway and Sweden. Modern warfare and empty laplands. And on Stalin’s terror, and Russian conditions.

Historic Guilt? Who, where, why, how?
On Early Suomi-Sámi History, remarks and notes
which could be of help for every Truth and Reconciliation commission.
– part 1 of 2 –

Forced migrations
1595 the Teusina Peace Treaty (read it here:

Sammaledes skole och the Swenske befalningzmänn vthi ingen motte hindre store herrens, zaar och storfurstes, Feodor Iwanowitz, öffwer alt Rysslandh zamoderzetz, zaarske höghetz befalningzmän till at optage skatten vthaf the Lapper, som lyde vnder det Duinske, Kexholmske landh och Kols slott.” and this

Theslikest skole och icke heller den store herrens, zaar (English Czar, current Swedish: Tsar) och storfurste, Feodor Iwanowitz, öffwer alt Ryssland zamoderzetz, zaarske högheetz befalningzmän heller andre hans vndersåter vthi någen motte förhindre wår stormechtigste konungz befalningzmän till att opbäre skatten vthaf Laperne ifrå Österbothnen alt in till Warånger, hwilke tilförende och vthaf ålder vnder Swerigis riike lydt haffwe och deres skatt Swerigis konungh gifwit

Passage 1 speaks about by Russia recently won territories, within which Russia hereby is declared to own the privilege of collecting taxes from: that is the estates (or counties) of Kol, Duinske and Kexholm. A common interpreation of the places mentioned is: Kexholm: Fi. Käkisalmi, Ru. Приозерск, Kar. Karjala in Ladoga, Duinske: area around Lake Onega and Kol: of lesser certainty, but sometimes viewed upon as possibly an early fortress of Kola area, most likely to have been founded in the surroundings of Solovetsky Monastery (in its turn founded in 1436). All in all, in general and in a swift, brief way (with a slight risk of simplification; this is present-day (2019) Russian Karelian republic described.
Passage 2 states the old Swedish-Finnish fiscal area, namely Ostrobothnia; which here seems to be understood as the whole of the Northern half of the country. We need to recall that the full extension of the Nordic countries (here: including Russia) not was entirely known by 1595).
What did happen, from what we could conclude, is that
some of the South-Easternmost Sámi groups, around Lieksa in Kainuu territory were forced to more over to the Russian side, as an effect of Teusina Treaty. This might also have struck the Southern Kainuu, Eastern Ostrobothnian Sámis and most of the remaining Savo as well as Karjala/Karelian Sámi groups. According to tax lengths we do find Sámis as south as Nyslott or Savonlinna as late as back in the 1540s. We also hear about Savo proper Saámis in 1454; and there are areas where these groups seem to have claimed land farther beyound centuries where we usually consider to be in Sámi eras. A problem is the Finnish usage of the term lapp (at least in present- and modern-day history contexts), which might be mildy put confusing for a Swedish Historian.

GUILTY PARTIES: Sweden, Russia (Novgorod) and to some extent Finland.

Apart from that, 1714-21 as well as for example; the severe attacks
The consequences of the 1323 Peace Treaty of Pähkinälinna Schlüsselborg or Nöteborg are less known (Шлиссельбург; Sjlisselburg, Schlüsselburg, (Fi.) Pähkinälinna or Lyyssinä); not ought to have led to, eventually or directly migrations; but in deed seen over decades it did.

Earlier in late Nordic Medieval era, Russian ravages seems to have been driven the Sámi groups away from the older habitat: among this one ought to mention the 1200s, coloured by ”Karelian” attacks and ravages in the three Lapplands except Russian Lappland; the late 1400s when the area around present-day’s Oulu became target for numerous attacks and ravages by the PomoresRussians and/or Karelians (probably strengthened by other Fenno-Ugric or Balto-Finnic. Attacking forces during these medieval days most often referred to as Karelians, less often as Biarmians and sometimes, in the traditions seemingly positioned as the Čuds (tjuder in Swedish, Čuovrit in North Saami) – perhaps a scientifically correct ethnonym might be Proto-Karelians?). A striking fact is that the tradition around this hostile people or hords are clearly stronger in Northern Sápmi and almost unheard of in Southern Sápmi.

During the 1200s another attacking force must be included into the equation, namely the Swedish Kingdom! Magnus Birgersson ladulås is, according to several sources, said to have placed an attack towards the Sámi people areas, coordinated and followed by a pacification by the local nobleman Matti Kurkki (medieval form, today Kurki), in Swedish sources called Matthias Kurck. He seems to have been of Savo or Häme origin, most likely a mixture. The Swedish attack seems to have been taking place in the second half of the 1270s; and might be the point from which you can place the intiating era of Swedish-Finnish Colonialism. One cannot really sort out that this tradition – given it actually did take place – to a great extent did aim at Biarmians or the Čuds/(proto-)Karelians.

Behind these hostile meaures stood Novgorod (AD 1136-1478), an early great power with a huge apetite for Arctic, Nordic and Siberian indigenous lands: the Uralic speaking knights only ecexuted the dirty work. An interesting observation is that we can also to a vast extent spot traces of which will later become the birkarla (taxation and trading) system; they seem, indeed to have drawn a model from the very early tax faring journeys by the Čuds. This system also tending to be even older than Novgorod itself:

Thus this system kept on going for a period of 650 years or ca. 900-1550. One could even claim the Royal taxation system with its similar roots (many laplands even did get run by Sheriffs who actually were birkarla-men) kept on going for even another 250 years!
Anyhow it looks like what we today refer to as Finnish Sámis in the Northernmost parts, as well as the once within Kemi Lapland and those under Ostrobothnian flag (AD circa 1360-1441 under County Korsholm or Mustasaari) that they eventually enjoyed a period of relative calm and maybe a chance to gather silver via commercial or trade activities like their relatives in the Western areas. Since the raids or ravage attacks most often also aimed at Finnmark, that may be a historical fact we even could state, since they are less heard of in the lion’s share of the 1300s (nevertheless: in the years of 1377 a new attack at what is likely to be interpreted as Oulu – Owla – is performed from Novgorod). And this is also the period when Sámis are, totally, as a collective, guilty of tributing taxes to the King of Sweden-Finland, or the growing great power of Swedish Kingdom; which actually already under Swedish flag from 1561, which actually made the utmost lion’s share of Baltic and Bothnic Sea to a Swedish inland Sea, eventuelly for some shorter epoque encompassing the whole of the Sea. Nevertheless; there were mostly an uneasy atmosphere in the erämaa east of Kajana castle.

Eric of Pomerania visited Finland (”Eastern part of the Kingdom”) several times and stated anno 1411 that the erämaa belonged to ”the kingdom”, also as distant areas as 200-250 km away from cultivated fields. Only a few years after this, the mass baptism actins in huge water pools took place. At the same time, Novgorod intiated monasteries in Southern- and Easternmost Karelia as well as up in the White Sea.

Finally in this little exposé we should have a look at Russian attacks and ravages in Southern Finland in the 1400s and 1500s. Simultanously, after the Russian annexation of Novgorod in the 1470s new severe attacks did take place in North-East Ostrobothnia. These were the predecessing events which later led to the Teusina Peace Treaty. Many farms and houses were burnt down, and abandoned during these periods. And the reason this is important is that we need to find the main reasons why the Sámi people gradually left Uusimaa and Central parts of Finland, the core area for proto-Sámis or Late Proto Sámis, among Language historians called Lakeland Sámi speakers (Cf. Aikio 2012, Korpela 2014, Heikkilä 2014): those, at this point, seems to be (a) Swedish crusades, (b) Finnish-Swedish settlement movements and early expulsions as well as (c) Novgorod’s attacks and counter attacks aimed at the Swedes, of which 1292 AD Attack at Häme might be the most well-known one (amomng many), and (d) in this Sámi movement’s utmost final stages, Russian ravaging raids along the Uusimaa coast in the 1400s and 1500s. For further reading on Novgorod, see Halperin 1999 (”Novgorodians and the ”Novgorodian Land”. In: Cahiers du monde russe 40/3 [1999] Varia)

GUILTY PARTIES: Sweden, Russia (Novgorod) – to a less extent Finland.

Czar Fiodor I ruled by the time of Teusina Peace Treaty
he lived 1557-1598, reigned from 1584. He was the last
czar of the Ruruk dynasty. Anonymus, 1630s.
Classic Colonialism, with driving the indigenous Sámi people away with an expanding settlement movement and cultivation of the ground/thorough modulation of the erämaa, ground for hunting-foraging-fishing that is; as well as the landscape and grazing areas for reindeer pastoralism.
Iron age and 1300s-1700s: well-documented movements i Savo, Häme, Karelia, Kainuu, Ostrobothnia, Kemi or Chimeå Lappland (lappmark in Swedish). Same phenomen is also registrered by Archaeologist about Southern and Central laerlia already back in the late Iron age or ”prime time” viking age. Some might be the cause along the crusade era in the 11-1200s.

GUILTY PARTIES: Finland, Karelia, Russia, Sweden (I would say – in that order).

Refugee movements, domestical migrative or immigrative: Can be technically – or seemingly – done by free will; but almost without exceptions the trigger factors as well as the basic reasons for commit a refugee or domestic migratory act were to be found in the field of tensions in-between the Great Novgorod, later Russia on one side, and Swedish Kingdom on the other.

Isoviha ja Nuijasota
Among numerous known and indicated such refuge-initiating events we must mention primarily the Huge War, (Sw.) Stora Ofreden (Fi. Isoviha) 1714-21; influencing mainland Finland as well as most coasts and (the older) Civil War Nuijasota (Sw. Klubbekriget) in the 1590s; of which the first encompassed enormous burnings and huge, nightmare-creating (only by reading about them) massacres and the second also did feauture a truly horrifying face, which led thousands of Savo people to flee, migrate over to Sweden and start a new life. This did also occur among the Sámi people, only that these groups are less investigated and researched about; if researched at all?
Appropriate amounts of scholarly resources, personally and economically ought to be funded for such research; and this must indeed take place within the framework of a Truth and Reconciliation commission.


Peter Ericson Nov 19, 2019

Thus national painter Albert Edelfeldt did view the 16th Century Civil War, the Nuijasota – a war in it’s entire shape created by Swedish noblemen; governors and throne pretenders. From 1879.

ARVET-EFTERMÄLET av svenska styret i Östra rikshalvan. Var Finland en svensk koloni? Några tankar om Finlands svenska tid, ca tusen år mellan tummen och pekfingret.

Or Fennoswedish History for Dummies in Swedish

När började den svenska kolonisationen av Finland?
Frågan i rubriken torde i hög grad besvara sig själv.

Innan vi törs bege oss ”in i” Isokyrö och de österbottniska djupdykningarna med inte minst Leväluhta och s k lappruiner utmed kusterna etc etc, vill vi ta en titt på de mer elementära tillika omtvistade delarna av den finländska historien… Den mycket långa svenska tiden.

Fördrivningarna av samerna i forna Finland brukar vanligtvis skyllas finska stammar, ömsom karelare, ömsom tavaster – emellanåt bäggedera. Ingenstans nämns svenska krafter såsom de fördrivande. Likväl var det just därfrån den kristna missionsivern kom… Dvs den process som enligt i princip alla narrativ och historieböcker låg bakom fördrivningen av samer i södra, västra, östra och centrala Finland. Sanningen om dessa fördrivningar – om det nu ens varit några fördrivningar – bör snarast upp i ljuset!

Här är det (mest) uppenbara eftermälet. Krigen har bestått genom de flesta århundradena under svenskt styre. Krigen har beskattat folket på liv, blod, ungdom, barn, skörd, kraft men även på land. Signifikativt nog inleddes ett av de två mycket blodiga inbördeskrigen omedelbart i samband med Freden i Teusina.

Hjälp vid krig, anfall och ofred och ofärd
Nog har man fått detta. kanske speciellt under medeltiden och äldre historisk tid, då Sveriges krigsmakt de facto var kraftfull. Men tidigt kom också de finländska styrkorna att utgöra en av de mer muskulösa och vitala delarna av denna krigsmakt.

Utplundring, massakrer
Detta har skett lite snyggare, lite elegantare och lite mer smygande när svenskarna genom krigsgärder och diverse skatter lyckats suga ur den finländska menigheten. Däremot synes ryssarna (och även de forna karelarna, vilka de nu var) ha varit värre ifråga om massakrer.

Västerländska tillhörigheten
Ett annat eftermäle; vars värde måhända torde kunna vara aningen mer omtvistat.
Vi hoppas få tillfälle att närmare återgå till detta.

Ryska tiden
Det komplicerande faktum att ryske kejsaren – av oss i västra rikshalvan oftare kallad tsar – såg med största vänlighet på Finland och lät landet få en rejäl smekmånad såsom ryskt storfurstendöme gör den finska historien sådär härligt komplex. Samtidigt är väl grannsämja ofta en god sak; vilket inte varit lika kritiskt under perioden 1809-1918.

Peter Ericson 7 augusti 2019

Bilden nedan: Författaren vid Slagfältet utanför Oravais, där Ryssland vann en avgörande seger över Sverige-Finland den 14 september 1808. Foto: Monika E. Pensar.



Brev 9 sep 1165-81 till ärkebiskop Stefan i Uppsala och hans underlydande samt Guttorm Jarl, med befallning att genom fästningarnas besättande hindra finnarna (”phinni”) att avfalla från kristendomen.

(maskinöversatt – emottager gärna förbättringar osv!)
Påven Alexander III:s brev till ärkebiskop Stefan i Uppsala och hans underlydande samt Guttorm Jarl, med befallning att genom fästningarnas besättande hindra finnarna att avfalla från kristendomen.

(Edit 27 nov 2023)

Stefan av Alvastra, Alvastra klosters munk och från 1164 Sveriges första ärkebiskop. Han dog 1185. Guttorm Austmannsson var kung Karl Sverkerssons (1130-1167) jarl.

Vi återkommer med tolkningar och funderingar!

Alexander Pope 3. Vpsalliensi archbishop and his assistants, Sec. Guthermo leader. 
How heavy and very difficult to take complaints to the Holy See reported that Phinn is always imminent, the army of enemies, they promise to keep the faith of Christians and Christian preachers and teachers in the petition demanding the withdrawal of the army and deny the Faith preachers serious, and seriously pursued. Therefore, since, in this trifle with God, and the Christian religion to make fun of religion seem to be, & insinuates itself into them twofold more the children of hell constituent, salvation, the life of the whole to be in the terrestrial, the most overlooked and to heavenly things, to be seen of which it consists: neither is there worthy of his owne followers what in the adversity of a Christian the name of the defense of the compare the two, which is in the prosperity, to look down & be in dread of being tried by vniuersitatem we warn, and we command, that from the fallacijs and artifices of their hearts in such is cautiously and with discretion, in the future God beware, that if there is an obligation to come to their aid and defense, You will not be able to have recourse, but the mounds, which they have received, but for you to keep for to which people assign, or at another time, such a degree sufficient to acquire this skill they exhibit & security, which is feet to draw you away from the way, not at all, or how have I pruderitiam may be able to surround us: the: but they are forced to the teachings of the Christian faith; lay hold on firmly to keep the &: no longer a question of the number of they may be seen of them, of whom it is said, Corifitebitur for thee, when thou shalt do well to him. Given Tuseul. V. middle of September. such an extent they exhibit & security sufficient to acquire this skill, is in a manner by no means draw us away from the feet, or how have I pruderitiam may be able to surround us: the: but they are forced to the teachings of the Christian faith; lay hold on firmly to keep the &: no longer a question of the number of they may be seen of them, of whom it is said, Corifitebitur for thee, when thou shalt do well to him. Given Tuseul. V. middle of September. such an extent they exhibit & security sufficient to acquire this skill, is in a manner by no means draw us away from the feet, or how have I pruderitiam may be able to surround us: the: but they are forced to the teachings of the Christian faith; lay hold on firmly to keep the &: no longer a question of the number of they may be seen of them, of whom it is said, Corifitebitur for thee, when thou shalt do well to him. Given Tuseul. V. middle of September.

BILDERNA: Erik den Helige, de La Motrayes avbildning av Sigvids ristning efter Vidiarf (Vidjärv) i gamla Uppsala kyrka (Uppsala 280:1, via Kalle Runristare) samt Keksholms slott (foto Evakonpoika), ungefärligen samtida med brevet – men i huvudsakligen dåförtiden besatt av Novgorod. Svenska imperiet har alltid sneglat på detta slott och tidtals innehaft det. Inalles har det främst dock hört till det folk vi idag kallar ryssar.


[9 september år 1165…1181 – Tusculanum (Tusculum).]

Påven Alexanders III:s brev till ärkebiskop Stefan i Uppsala och hans underlydande samt Guttorm Jarl, med befallning att genom fästningarnas besättande hindra finnarna att avfalla från kristendomen.

Alexander Papa III. Vpsellensi Archiepiscopo & suffraganeis eius, &c. Guthermo duci.

Grauis admodum & difficilis est ad Apostolicam sedem querela perlata, quod Phinni semper imminente sibi exercitu inimicorum, fidem seruare Christianam promittunt, & prædicatores & eruditores Christianæ legis desideranter requirunt, & recedente exercitu fidem abnegant, prædicatores contemnunt, & grauiter persequuntur. Vnde quoniam in hoc Deo illudere, & Christianam religionem deridere videntur, & illis se duplo filios gehennæ constituentibus, salus & vita eorum tota in terrenis, neglectis cælestibus, conspicitur consistene: nec est dignum, vt eis in aduersitate Christianum nomen defensionem conferat, quod in prosperitate despicere & horrere probantur: vniuersitatem vestram monemus, atque mandamus, quatinus a fallacijs & fraudibus eorum ita prudenter & discrete de cætero caueatis, quod si ingruerit necessitas, ad auxilium & defensionem vestram non possint recurrere, nisi munitiones, si quas habent, vobis tenendas assignent, aut alias, adeo sufficientem cautionem exhibeant & securitatem, quod a modo nullatenus pedes retrahere, aut vestram pruderitiam valeant circumuenire: sed Christianæ fidei documenta cogantur tenere firmiter & seruare: ne amplius de eorum numero videantur, de quibus dictum est, Corifitebitur tibi, cum benefeceris ei. Datum Tuscul. V. Idus Septembris.

K&aumml;lla: Svenskt Diplomatarium, red. av Joh. Gust. Liljegren, I Band, Åren 817-1285, Stockholm 1829.

Ur Urkunder till Finlands historia:

Mer krig: Tradition om samerna och ”norvegska nemtserna” emot Novgorod i grå forntid (Fellman 1860)

Jakob Fellman (s 177f)

Traditionen noterades 1592, togs upp 1601

Härom har äfven Karamsin i sin historia (XI s. 43) en
berättelse, som i svensk öfversättning lyder sålunda:
Vid underhandlingarne 1601 om besittningsrätten till Lappland

emellan Ryssland och Danmark anförde de ryska sändebuden

till bevis för sig en tradition, som Svenigorodskii och Wasiltschikoff 1592

hört af gamla Lappländare, så lydande: I Korela eller Kexholm

lefde engång en namnkunnig herrskare vid

namn Walit eller Warent, vasall under Novgorod, ovanligt tapper
och stark; han besegrade ock Lappland eller Murmanska landet.
Lapparne uppfordrade de Norvegiske Niemtserne till sitt försvar;
men Warent slog dem, hvarest nu Warengska sommar kyrkobyu
är ock der han till minnesmärke med egna händer uppförde en
öfver en famn hög sten, gjorde deromkring ett starkt staket med
12 väggar och kallade det Babilon. Samma sten kallas ännu Walits sten.

Därav skattetungan

Ännu känner man i Murmanska landet Walits vik
och Walits stad midt på en holme eller hög klippa, der den
Karelska jätten hvilade sig. Slutligen slöto Niemtserna med
honom fred och afträdde hela Lappland ända till Iugei floden.
Walit med det christna namnet Wassilii dog och begrofs i Kexholm i Späs kyrkan.
Ifrån den tiden hafva Lapparne betalt tribut till Novgorod.”

Kexholm: Homann 1750. Sergej Ivanov nedre bild.  Mellersta Olaus Magnus.

Såsom Novgorodska Woloster nämnas ock i den äldsta Novgorodska ,,gramota” (urkund) redan vid Storfursten Jaroslavs äntrade till regeringen år 1263 såväl ”Kola som Ter, eller halfön (Trinnes) österom Kolska och Kantalaks fjordarne.
Af gammalt hade beskattningsrätt utöfvats äfven af Norge.
— hvars ,,lappmark” tidigare skulle sträckt sig ända till sjön Ladoga och Herjedalen — långt in på det s. k. Nordfjället eller det nuvarande ryska Lappland, allt intill Velens öar (Veleaga) vid Hvitahafvet. Och Ryssarne å sin sida kräfde sednare skatt långt in på det nuvarande norska området eller längs kuststräckan från Varanger- till Titis-( = Tyys-) fjorden i Salten, och ända ned till Malanger. Der hade nemligen, såsom redan omtalats, en mängd från Hvitahafvets kusttrakter under senare hälften af trettonde århundradet ankomna flyktingar från Bjarmernas sönderfallna rike fått sig anvisade boningsplatser, och äfven slagit sig ned der. Likaledes hade, efter de omhvälfningar, som voro en följd af Mongolernas infall i Ryssland och Ryssarnes deraf föranledda framryckning mot norr, många Karelare bosatt sig i-> Finnmarken.

Kolonisationsfunderingar. Vem var först? Bidrag till kolonisationshistorien I. Helhetssyn på Sápmi, gamla Stor-Sveriges del (uppdaterad 14 nov 2017)

I mitt tycke generellt en enfaldig fråga.
Svaret saknar ofta relevans.
Och de första, är som regel inte kvar längre.
Men i norr, i forna stormaktstida (och ”inkl-Finland-”) -Sverige, är det inte mycket att fundera på.  

1. Uleåborg på 1800-talet. 2. Tavastehus har länge samiska renskötande, skattande undersåtar. Munsterhjelm.

1320 e.Kr finns ingen svensk (eller ens svealänning) norr om dagens Robertsfors, undantaget ett kloster i Bureå – som just etablerades då — och en missionsstation och ett par ”Columbus-typer” vid Torne älvs nedre lopp. Fuller jämförbart med Mayflower och USA. *

Inte förrän inemot 1700-talets mitt började svenska kolonisatörer tränga ut samerna i Lapplands södra och östra områden. Och perioden runt 1900 trängs samerna undan på extremt allvar – nu är nybyggarna inne i de allra mest välbelagda kärnområdena och petar och jagar bort samiskt folk, vilket Elsa Laula skriver om i ”Inför lif eller död” 1904.
Fördrivningarna är oräkneliga.
Alla gånger minst 40 olika inkl de etniska rensningarna från Bergslagen.
Fördrivningarna från finska gränsen mot Ryssland och sedermera svenska mot Finland är legio; och synnerligen vanliga från och med år 1852. I och med lappväsendet, även känt som lappfogdeväsendets tillkomst i norr, räknar vi årliga dislokationer, mer eller mindre frivilliga eller framtvingade fördrivningar mellan åtminstone 1887 och 1930.
Historiskt kan man se sådana processer och övergrepp löpa minst tillbaka till Teusina-fredens dagar eller 1595.

Än idag förskjuts svenska samer från sina uråldriga sommarbetesplatser i högfjällslägena i Norge – trots s k Lappkodicillen.

Processen och förloppet där samerna trycks uppåt i terrängen och norrut, går att studera mycket väl i Finland, där till exempel Kemi lappmark liksom dess skogsren och samiska språkvarietet förintats sedan 1700-talet. Ännu decennierna kring 1800 bedrevs en omfattande renskötsel på Carlön utanför Uleåborg (3-400 renar ca 1775-1780), idag Hailuoto. Samma tid och ännu en period bedrev kemisamerna vinterbete vid Kemiälvs mynning. Vi noterar att även från Karelens södra delar, har samerna fördrivits.
De fiskesamer som bebodde norrbottniska kusten kring 17-1800-talen ska ha haft finskt ursprung. Kring år 1700 levde och  verkade kring ett tusentals samer mellan Forsmark och Kalix.  Redan 1480 syns spår av de roslagen- och mälarsamer som sedan under 1600-talen förtecknad i de sörmländska kyrkböckerna. Inom ramen för sockenlappssystemet expanderar en småskalig renskötsel som ibland innehåller 4-500 renar i det storlän som sedermera splittras upp i dagens Västernorrlands; Jämtlands och Gävleborgs län och runt 2 000 renar finns 1795 i Hälsingland emedan t ex i Nora socken i centrala Ångermanland har 13 st lokala samiska renägare år 1820 enligt Tabellverket.


* Ännu vid Olaus Magnus betraktas samernas som ett krigiskt folk, vilket torde ha haft att göra med de förhållandevis våldsamma stridigheter som ska ha ägt rum mellan å ena sidan samerna å andra sidan de anfallande Magnus Birgersson ladulås och Mathias Kurck. Karelsk-bjarmiska-votiska grupper som kom att mixas med kajaner etablerade gradvis det birkarla-system som sedermera ska pacificera samerna. Med de tilltagande nationella krigen och maktkamperna i norr, minskas samernas kollektiva makt allt,,e; en makt som torde ha varit tämligen omfattande ännu kring 1250-1280 e.Kr.

Om Lapauesi öster om Viborg 1588 (Waghenaer)

LAPAUESI, Finska Viken/Karelen

Det finns en Lappvesi kommun numera uppgången i Villmanstrand i Kymmene län i sydöstligaste Finland.

Men Lapauesi, dvs Lapa- (eller Lappa-)vesi, dvs Lappvattnet, är på Lucas Janszoon Waghenaers karta från 1588 utritat en bra bit öster om Viborg. Frågan är om det finns två, eller om han bara hade missuppfattat positionen.

Och varför namnet?

Vi ser även svenska staden Nyen, som heter Niewkerck här = Petersburgs föregångare.

KARTANS TITEL: The outtermost or the fartheste parte of the Easterne Sea eastwardly, the which lyeth inclosed with in the coastes of East Finland, Rusland, & Lyffland, and wherein lye the Narve and Wyburgh the twoo furthermost places or marchante townes of the whole Easterne Navigation, with all the circumstances of the situation, the isles and Swedish rockes called Schares

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